The rest of forever...

By DrMac

I wonder where the Rocky Road went?!?

My eyes woke at 5am. Bummer. I had been hoping for a lie in but it seemed my body decided it didn't need it! I managed to stay in bed until about half five but then I got far too bored so I did my foam rolling, took the dogs out and had my omelette. I got absorbed in The Times so I didn't get to the gym until just before 8am...good job, I didn't know that it doesn't open until then! I was the first in the door! I did my intervals session and some core work...the six pack is looking awesome, you are going to be amazed!!!

Came home to wash the car and munch my workout breakfast. Yoghurt, berries and homemade granola with a big teapot of green tea. Mmmmmm! I did some work and then headed to Doddington Hall to meet the gang. Berry tea and a good old natter. The Hamer family had Rocky Road...or should I say, Riley had Rocky Road, Arlo slept and Stu was telling proud Daddy tales of Riley doing a demo to the class in his swimming lesson. How cute!!

I stayed on to meet a colleague for more berry tea and then popped in to town to pick up some bits and bobs. Hit Waitrose for the weekly food shop and got home to walk the dogs. I was due to go out for dinner with Claire but I just ran out of time - she wanted to eat at 5pm and I couldn't cram it all in before then!

So, I've had monkfish tail and veggies for dinner...double yum! Now I'm reading some stuff about inspiring women, I have half an eye on the X Factor and I need to do some ironing. And I have a glass of wine. It's all good.

PS. I have caught six mice now!
PPS. 12.5lb and 20 inches. I have the body of a goddess (well, sort of!). I think you'll be impressed next weekend!!!

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