
By hannahstar

Purity Weekend - Day 2 - Crazy Tower!

Today was a very busy day!
I'm not sure what time we got up but we had breakfast at 8:30am and then we had a private quiet time, we had sheets with bible passages and questions to answer.
We then had our morning meeting. The theme was 'Who am I in Christ?'
Lisa did a very good talk about how we and other people put negative labels on ourselves, for example thinking that we're ugly or unwanted or a failure, things like that and she then gave us bible verses and told us what God says about us and how it counteracts all the negative thoughts that we may have about ourselves. I found that really encouraging. Then we had a break and afterwards we talked about the characteristics of a godly woman and we looked at bible verses about godly women.
After the meeting we had lunch then in the afternoon me, Grace, Sarah, Anna P and Anna C went to our church for an event called 'Unite'. This is when lots of youth groups from churches in the south that we have connections with get together and have an afternoon of games and a meeting and food and fun! It was a wild and wacky afternoon compared to the peaceful, genteelness of the purity weekend! But it was really fun. This photo is of a tower that some of the guys were building, rather dangerous!
After Unite we went back to Abi's house.The contrast was so great! Whilst we'd been out the girls had been for a walk and then got back and dressed up nicely and had a really nice candlelit dinner so when we arrived back they were all dressed really prettily and some were singing and playing the piano and there were candles everywhere and stuff! We ended up having a second tea and then it was time for the evening meeting. The theme was 'Setting your affections on things above' so basically it was about not being distracted by the world and not letting it come between you and your relationship with God. Also, Abi's mum was giving us advice about how to approach a relationship and we did about what characteristics we would like our future husbands to have. It was really good and quite a funny session :D
Then we had a bit of free time again and then went to bed.

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