secret garden

By freespiral

Where the lake meets the sea

A lovely walk down at Farranamanagh - I couldn't decide which pic I liked best so there are extras. It was just what we needed as we'd been working too hard on the mystery project as it is not as straight-forward as I hoped - surprise, surprise!  Anyway, this cleared the head- amazing colours and reflections and so many different birds from the whoopers swans, to herons to mallard to cormorants to wagtails to robins to curlews. And there are four rust coloured alpacas, impressive cliffs, a lot of bogginess and some huge stone walls. 

A nice cuppa with TJ this morning who was enraptured of Fineen who received far too much scone and later did the most colossal, smelly poo on my welly. (I wasn't wearing it at the time by the way).

Edit: apologies for disappearance, computer issues, urghhh

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