Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Imperial Mauve

When we had the kitchen refurbished 9 years ago we went on holiday and left the decorators instructions to paint it "Imperial Mauve".

We came back to find it was blue. I was exhausted by 4 months of building work and couldn't be bothered to change it. Four years ago we once again went on holiday and left instructions with the decorators to paint it Imperial Mauve. Once again we came back to find it was blue. Perhaps Imperial Mauve wasn't the colour for me.

This week I have been here to supervise the application of the very unromantically named Dulux 50387187BB80036. It is indeed mauve. I don't like it. I preferred the blue...

Anyway, it's staying. And we have vowed to keep the room totally and utterly clutterless - try saying that after a sherry. 

Happy Friday. Anyone want a kitchen load of clutter, free to a good home?

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