Crow Therapy

Sometimes when things aren't going so well a little therapy is needed.  For me, birds are the best antidote to a bad day or days, and either seagulls or crows will do the trick.  I have a special spot to go if I'm looking for crows because it seems to be one of their favorite gathering places.  It's not a very picturesque or even pretty place but once the birds show up it's magical.   I counted 70 in one spot and there were at least that many behind me.  I couldn't possibly get them all in one picture so when a few of them perched in a tree I decided that was the best blip.  A few peanuts to thank them for showing up, a little quiet reflection and things looked a lot better.  I highly recommend bird therapy for whatever ails you -- any bird, large or small, one or a hundred, it doesn't matter.  They all have the gift.  

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