Gone to Seed

Not a Self Awareness exercise but perhaps it should be ;-)

Another beautiful day over here in the East.  A day to celebrate ..... and we can!  Jamie was up before (I need a lie down) 8 and we picked Chloe up a few minutes ahead of schedule, arriving at Basketball early - for the early session.  That never happened before!  They both had a great time and are hoping Chloe will become a regular player.  

Basketball must have been the right kind of workout as Jamie's appetite has been better today.  After lunch he was up for a trip into the City.  I was reading dozing on the sofa but with my new specs ready to collect from the optician I rose to the challenge.  Jamie mooched around and picked up a few nice bits and bobs, I picked up some books from the Forum Library as well as the new varifocals.  A good day all round and some sofa time to come this evening.

Agapanthus gone to seed.  They can seed around here so as the seedheads are atop long stems that wave in the breeze I think I might have to decapitate this one.

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