Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The World Turned Upside Down

Went for an outpatient appointment this morning. Rather strange, with it being a Saturday and very few clinics open. The audiologist took me into a small room with a huge soundproof steel door that clicked shut rather worryingly; I felt like I’d been locked in a safe. But it was quick and painless. I might get my hearing aid before Christmas, which means I will be able to hear the queen’s speech properly ... not.

As the day went on it all went a bit pear shaped. Without going into details, it was one of those days destined to be turned on it’s head and it got very painful for some people. You feel for them even if you don’t know how to help.

So as I walked into the bedroom and saw myself in the mirror ... well it seemed to sum things up...

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