Torre church

This is the little church at the bottom of our road in the Casentino. I was out early to meet G who came to sweep the chimneys. He's a good guy, from Romania, and knows the house inside out. As he stood in his dust suit, covered in soot and sweat he told he was a trained vet but that there were no jobs either in Romania or Italy. His main job is in a local factory.

Later to the rugby at the stadium in Florence - Italy -Argentina. The sun blazed away and only late in the second half left the pitch completely in shadow. Italy put up a spirited defence and were only beaten late on in the game.

I am still having a torrid time getting Bridge to recognise the new photos on my iPhone. Sometimes it works, sometimes I have to restart the computer and sometimes I can't access the photos for love nor money. I've updated the software but nothing seems to help. It is a real drag.

PS- the church tower doesn't have a spire. It's a cypress tree behind the belltower.

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