Blocked beds and empty seats

A day running around. First getting more stuff for my aunt whose stay in hospital looks like getting longer. She had a fall and went in for a check up. 48 hours later her care package was cancelled. Within 96 hours everyone said she could go home: but the care package has to be restored. This may take 4 weeks. So my aunt is sitting, blind, in an uncomfortable chair (despite best efforts of the staff); without access to her phone or radio (though there is a TV but as she can’t see she just listens); worries about her cat; and is moving about less as she doesn’t know the layout. And she now has a cold

Took in more clothes etc.

Also went to North Berwick to visit my mother and do some shopping for her. At the west beach there were plenty of seats: understandably so as the wind was biting.

Spent the evening downloading a new operating system from Apple. Took ages and now I seem to have to do with different user passwords and two-factor authentication. I’m sure it is meant to be safer and ultimately easy to use but at the moment .........

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