Edward Brusselsproutshands

Would you believe Tim Burton totally stole Edward Scissorhands from me?

No? Too bad. It's true. I sent him a spec script called Edward Brusselsproutshands and said thanks but no thanks. Next thing I know Edward Scissorhands was made and helped make Johnny Depp a superstar. Pffft! Hollywood.

That nonsense aside, I got these two stalks at the Waterloo Farmers Market yesterday for $5 (for both). Channeling my late mother and grandmother today, I cut them off, peeled them, separated them into four size groups, blanched them, bagged them, and froze them for my exclusive enjoyment. Linda won't get any and she won't miss them. She hates them no matter how I do them. That's okay. More for me. I'll make her some Lima beans (her fave).

Tonight, I'll steam up the tiniest ones then saute them in a bit of butter and some chopped smoked bacon. YUM! The big ones will likely get split in half and roasted with some leftover ghost pepper flavoured bacon fat. YUM again!

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