More Christmas Crafts

A fine calm start to the day, but it was dull.  By teatime, the winds started to pick up and rain came it.  Meant to be gales through the night.

I've been up in the museum office all day.  There was plenty of orders to get on with, and also scanning through the John Leslie collection.  When I was down in the museum, it seemed rather quiet, butbthere was two events on.  After tea I headed down to sister Laura's, and came on a car crash at the Black Gaet junction!  Hope no-one was hurt badly.  Off to work in the pub later. 

Sister Laura and niece Elise were busy doing more Christmas crafts tonight.  They've been decorating angels, stars a.d ginger bread men.  I also had a go too.  Here's Elsie busy painting an angel, who she says is granny  (mam).  It'll look great on mam's Christmas tree.  Taken at Laura's, in the Blett road, Cunningsburgh.  

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