Not a Kiss!

Much fun watching the birds today. These two collared doves, a gang of sparrows, one wren and one robin are daily visitors to my feeders. They come at the same times each day in the morning and afternoon. The doves always take up their position on the chimney, one on the top and the other walking around the lower part. Every now and then they swop places - not exactly in a friendly way, although this would give the appearance that it is! I really don't think birds kiss! More a peck to say "Get off! It's my turn!"
Another day with no actual panic - I was teetering but made myself a happy playlist on Youtube and danced my way through it and then focused on cleaning my Drendrobium Orchid. It is developing flower buds and will soon be looking glorious, but it is prone to scale insect and at the moment greenfly - so I painstakingly and slowly cleaned every leaf! Very calming! 
I am keeping a diary of how I am doing and feeling and realised my allotment collpase came 4 days after a few of us marked Friends birthday by a trip to a favourite beach of hers. I think that must have been the trigger. Useful to have this Journal to place events! 

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