Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Water Droplets Test 1

Awful wet weather, it just gets into the bones, type of day today! The Heating is on...expensive, but better than bones creaking....

To cheer myself up I've started an experiment indoors (in the kitchen sink). This is my first water droplets attempt (I have seen others, but think they will have practised more before blipping) :) HDR. A bit blurred, and the camera lens got rather wet...need to be more careful I think. Also have to charge the camera battery up now :)

Comments please?

Day off today, thankfully after a busy weekend. Lots to do though!

So here's the list for this week....

Preparation, preparation, preparation....
Job interview on Friday

2 Services to lead on Sunday (one being the 11am (family) service which I haven't done before~may include a children's talk (not done that either).... Off to the church to meet up with the Minister as I'll be leading his service for the first time too, shortly to discuss the service :) The other service is another evening one.

Tidy up a lot as I'm on holiday (at home, can't afford to go away) next week and think it would be nice to start with a tidy house for a change :)

Written work for my Footsteps 2 course which I began (faithfully) after the first course day on 8th September and haven't yet finished! The next course day is Saturday 13th October :) Procrastination I think!

Prayer meeting tonight, though I'm just going, not leading it (for a change) :)

Comments will be a bit hit and miss this week I fear! I will try to blip every day, but can't guarantee it.

Have a great week blippers :)

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