Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Breast Cancer Awareness Challenge 5

Today I had a plan. Today I was going to do some marbling of paper, but it didn't work out...and I know why!

But it led me onto this.... Hope you like :) Comments please....

Jackson Pollock is an American Painter, responsible for pioneering Abstract Expressionism. I LOVE most of his work, but not all of it!

More images of my work today on flickr

Easy peasy, a circle of paper cut out in a spiral and stuck onto another piece of paper that's flat with masking tape. Flick a (small) paintbrush filled with pink ink (or liquid paint, but ink is better). Playtime is over...

So far today I have just done some tidying, so I could get to the table to do this on.... I have spent too much time on this, and not done anything else.

Work in 2 hours and I'm not looking forward to it, there will be a report feedback on me at the course....dreading it!!!

So today, need to get started on those Foosteps course notes.

Thanksfully I am not now doing the 11am service leading, as its more straightforward if the minister does it, because we have a parade service this Sunday. Am I worried, gives me more time to do my other service :)

I'll catch up later !

Have a great day blippers :)

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