Mumbo jumbo

Mumbo jumbo, or mumbo-jumbo, is confusing or meaningless language. The phrase is often used to express humorous criticism of middle-management and civil-service doublespeak.

I again made the mistake of doing a half day "in the office" while the sun was shining outdoors and the temperature getting to double figures (positive). However got the task that has been plaguing me for days done and celebrated with a bowl of soup and bread for lunch.

That was the next mistake of the day as I caught PMs Question Time and the start of the Budget speech. Angie fled when she heard from the kitchen that I was certainly watching an afternoon kindergarten playground  programme. She ought to have known better. No kindergarten playground I have ever seen where the participants would get away with such behaviour. Did May answer one single question that wasn't a planted one from her own side?

At least we were spared the "UK has the biggest/strongest/best XXXX in the world". In fact not even a "best in Europe". Nowadays XXXX is "admired in the length and breadth of the country".

What a way to run a country. I suggest the politicians who claim it's "tradition" look at the parliament of Zimbabwe and see how it should be done. Let's have Resa and Jeremy dancing in the aisle.

My photo was taken on the evening dog walk at around 6:00pm. Sky was  clear and full of stars as well as the waxing crescent moon and a very faint blue light from the west. Had never tried the "Night" setting on my mobile camera - now I know how it works. So sorry for the mumbo jumbo photograph.

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