
On my way back from the Fife Council reception for the volunteers in our system I was reflecting on the drive, passion and commitment of those volunteers who give of their time and skills to make our system of helping vulnerable children work.

You can’t bottle it. And you could probably not pay for it. They do it because the have a deep compassion to make a difference.

It was an enhancing evening. Yes, specific challenges to me about some of the detailed operation of the system. But also an enthusiastic description of what we need to do to make a positive difference and respond to what children and young people say they want.

Neil Hunter, the Principal Reporter set ou what we are jointly aspiring to achieve which was well received.

So lots to think about on the way back. As I crossed the Forth I tried to catch the Queensferry Crossing but both it and the Forth Road Bridge were not lit up. Instead I caught the reflection of lights and the girders of the rail bridge in an abstract mix. A bit like the complexity of the system we seek to manage.

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