Signal Pizza and Qigong

Just one block from what is becoming a newly revamped traffic signal at N Lombard and N Richmond., this old gas station has been a pizza place for a number of years.
They've been building a monster apartment building kitty-corner from here that has messed with traffic direction and flow for a long time; an urban drag. What a relief when that new signal and the intersection it controls are fully functioning again.
Meanwhile, I pass by here whenever I walk into downtown St Johns; this morning it was while walking to the free qigong class I've been going to for about a month now. I love it, it's peaceful, calming, and invigorating. Forty five minutes, 8 to 8:45 on Wednesday and Friday mornings. Such a perfect thing. I'm thinking there may be as many versions of qi gong as there are ways to spell it. You think?

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