Man at work!!

Four dockings during the night which I slept through and the fifth at 11am was in Finnsnes. We can see from our cabin the young man who is responsible for the ‘ropes’ that tie the front end of the ship to the dock (apologies for the non-nautical terms). He has a little box of controls which he operates to let them out and reel them in. In this picture he is watching to see that we are not getting too close to the ship tied up ahead of us!!

After sailing for Tromso we ran into some very strong winds, blowing across the side of the ship. We ploughed on as normal, but with everything at an odd angle. There was an announcement from the captain saying that no one was allowed on the open decks and that everyone should sit down!!! When we sailed into the next fiord it all calmed down.

In Tromso we visited the Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum to see a collection of modern art. A collection of embroideries by Britta Marakatt-Labba, told interesting stories. 

We were advised to wear spikes when we went out today, but it was clearer than yesterday. Temperature was -4 degrees, but falling to -9 with the wind chill. We have plenty of layers and certainly don’t feel the cold. On the ship it is toasty warm, like being at home. 

I think that it is going to be a blowy night tonight!!

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