Inside the Arctic Circle

We crossed into the Arctic Circle sometime between 6 and 8 am this morning. By the time we docked at Bodo at 12.30 we had already visited 4 other ports and seen some fantastic scenery. Passengers get off and on as we go along, so an ever changing population. There were about 50 people on the flight out from Gatwick, but we haven’t seen many of them around.

The temperature today is -2 degrees, warmer than yesterday, but because of the wind it feels so much colder. There was some snow and a great deal of ice on the ground in Bodo, but thanks to the gritting we were able to have a wander around. The first road had mostly hairdressers, the second fashions. As they were gradually going higher up the hill we decided to head back to the ship after about an hour of walking.

Since leaving Bodo we have sailed across to the Lofoten Islands and docked at Stamstund during dinner. The weather is a bit blowy so the last visit of the night in Svolvaer is being missed. The visit to the brewery has been cancelled. The ship is remarkably stable considering!!!

This picture was taken about 9.15 this morning and it was already getting dark by 3pm when we left Bodo.

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