Down & Dirty

The two things I got to get this photo :)

Quite a disappointing day uni wise, well as far as film developing goes anyway. The second lot of film I processed/developed didn't come out :( On the plus side (if there is one) neither did my friend Alice's and for that to happen, Brendon the tech thinks it may have been an off batch. Considering that we bought the films at the same time from the same shop, it sounds likely. So this afternoon was spent driving round like a loon safe person re-visiting all the post boxes & red phone boxes that I had previously taken photo's of. Twice! Third time's the charm as they say. Another plus side is that I stumbled across a really old post box that instead of the initials ER on it has GR! I so hope these ones come out!!!

Anyway, whilst I was doing that I passed a village green that was covered with dandelion clocks, so I lay down on the rather damp grass and took this shot :)

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