DDLC the brown Pixie was in her element...
If there is one thing my little perma tanned munchkin loves its FAUX fur and animal print... I kid you not her tiny squinty brown eyes lit up in the very cheapest store in the world PRIMARK :D
I also did a little bit of Christmas shopping too on some fun things,not novelty crap I hasten to add.If there is one thing guaranteed to set my teeth on edge it is novelty crap..... and bubble bath.Of course if you like bathing then bubble bath is for you,but I am a shower gal.... you may buy me good quality shower gel.Also I am a bit shitty about candles....
So today was a good day,dog walk,Redditch and the world famous PECAN DANISH ... then some retail therapy then the' lets get cooking 'club which went well...then home,some food and shortly I shall be off to try on shoes at DDLC's as this weekend coming I am a wedding photographer for my long standing friend Mrs Stupid.It remains to be seen after I have abused her and her guests if we are still chums on Sunday ;)
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