London weekend

My first full weekend in London since the op - and it’s a bit of a challenge.

Battling on a full train from Birmingham International ( I had a reserved seat but someone was sitting in it. She had a reserved seat but someone was there so I just sat down until the owner arrived and then she moved to another seat ! ! silly game)

A long walk with bags in Euston, balancing on the escalator and then steps to the Northern line. Change at Embankment - more steps.

I left the luggage at the hotel when I’d checked in and headed off on a full tube to South Kensington. I pottered around for a while and then had a snack before heading to the V & A for the Opera - Passion Power and Politics Exhibition.

That was superb - but a bit hard going. Standing is tough and there were no seats except for specific things to watch. You need to be fit for such activities and, although I’m getting better, I’m not.

A walk up Exhibition Road and a bus back. Hardly surprising that I ache a bit.

A rest and then I’ll be ready to head back to meet with friends at a Lebanese restaurant in South Kensington.......

The blip is a sneaky shot I took in the Monteverdi Poppea section....

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