Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Recipe from 'Jerusalem' book

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Another day of Aptis online testing and I'm not complaining as it keeps me busy and keeps a few pennies coming in when I'm not on a CELTA course. 

On one of the wee breaks from Aptis-ing yesterday, I was browsing through the beautiful Jerusalem recipe book which I bought a few years ago and has only until today provided pleasure to the eye.  I decided it was time it provided pleasure to the stomach and so tonight I cooked lamb-stuffed quince with pomegranate and coriander....except it wasn't minced lamb but minced beef I used and I opted for the easier option offered to the not-so-domestic goddesses amongst us of not stuffing the quince (after I had tried unsuccessfully to scoop out the flesh from the first hard one!) but diced it and shaped the meat filling into meatballs.  It wasn't the usual fair in our household on a mid-week night.  In fact it's not the usual fair in our household even at the weekend.  I think Bb thought he'd walked into the wrong house tonight as the smell of all the lovely spices and coriander met him!   The end result was delicious and one we'll definitely have again but perhaps at a weekend. There's even enough of the meat stuffing to make into hamburgers for tomorrow night's dinner. 

The recipe's on p. 155 for anyone interested. 

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