Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Only Me!

Back blipping

Bb came 'home' to Cairo tonight and I’d planned to go into school and work so that I could have tomorrow free, but didn't manage to get into school till mid-afternoon, so not enough time to get all the end of week 1 admin things done. I did manage a few ticks on my to do list though, including writing up all the stage 1 reports.

It’s in-between teaching terms at the moment, so there were only 4 YLAs (young learners' assistants) and me there in the whole school, with it also being the weekend! Undercovercairo will recognise this scene.

Lovely to have Bb back and he passed by the school to get the flat keys, went home for a shower and then picked me up later by taxi and we went to Kandahar Indian restaurant. We had lots to catch up on as he's been back to Barcelona, Shanghai, Barcelona and then back here to Cairo! He's still jet-lagged.

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