Day Twenty two, Preying

Mantis, maybe, not sure?

Hes about 10cms (4") long and has been on the wall besides our stairwell for a few days now, he just moves his head now and again, especially when I put my phone close to take this pic! Not a good photo but sll ive got for today!

Weve had rain overnight and a very cloudy day today, with one or two spitspots that havent amounted to anything really, still warm though :-)

We have been out for a walk, another 14,000 plus steps, sat and watched the big waves breaking, with the surfers enjoying their Saturday! Then it was back for a relaxing couple of hours reading.

Now showered and changed, off to our friends apartment shortly for a couple of drinks before we decide what we are doing for dinner.

Hard life :-D

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