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You know about life enlightenment, cherished somethings or other, complete inner peace etc.

Up and out for dog walking, home for breakfast, housework, a bath, lunch then into town for Christmas shopping. I had thought the traditional route would be great, it really wasn’t - I didn’t want to buy any of that tat. I bought myself some tops and a 2018 calendar and the children Yankee candles in lieu of advent calendars. I nearly made myself sick in the shop smelling the vile things. After a while the man said (after several reactions of “oh Jesus, that is awful”) “you’re not buying for yourself today then?” “Good god no” I exclaimed, then remembered my manners and was all over polite during the payment transactions.

After my shopping basically non event when it comes to actually buying Christmas presents, my mum and Clare arrived on the bus and Jay and Will from the other direction (daisy at post exam sleep over) for a Thai dinner, it was bloody lovely. Then my boys and I went to buy our Christmas tree, a £15 bargain from Morrison’s and to inspect the £57 toblerones which is a joke that is gong to go on for a few weeks yet. I seem to have just done 1/4 physio exercises today but am hoping the 15k steps will count towards it, it’s a long time since I have done that many.

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