Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

London belongs to me

I have, of late, become obsessed with London and maps of London; so when TSM came home today with this giant six mile radius detailed map of The Smoke I was absolutely delighted. You get a real sense of scale and of the shape of the Thames, the green spaces, the relative position of famous places and landmarks, the sense of where things are in terms of North, East, South and West ... it is magnificent.

TSM reckons I'll be able to become a cabbie at this rate if I keep doing the London Knowledge ...

Rather annoying day at work, but I rode the punches. Truth is, with a big scale change in the NHS you never have the resources you need and you can never keep people happy; this is the third time I've project managed a big organisational shift and this is the hardest it's ever been. On the plus side I got a lot of compliments for my new haircut. Must tell my Italian barrow boy barber, he'll be chuffed.

Made a carrot and onion relish tonight - tasted gorgeous, we had it with fishcakes. I always get into cooking at this time of year; must be the onset of winter, makes you want to stay indoors and eat ... and look at maps ...

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