A beacon of a day

It was a hefty frost this morning - everything was frozen solid. After it had started to clear I popped out to get milk & fruit, remembering to take the camera; hence this shot.

Back for lunch then out to pot a couple of house plants that have been waiting for 3 months. Then I dug out the dahlia that I have growing in a pot - I think it will be ok as it was deep enough for the frost not to reach it. It was huge with lots of babies.- its now tucked up in the garage. I then cleared away some leaves from the bottom of the garden. It made me puff a bit but I know when to stop. I came in for a cup a tea and a snack & to look at the pictures.

C has been out at N & Rs helping to clear a load of cardboard from their garage...Two trips to the tip so everyone pleased.

Cold day but fine & bright

The extra is of a coin I received in my change today. Its another one for Zak's little collection even though its not not exactly in mint condition.

As always thanks for your comments stars & hearts but especially for looking in today ....:-)

Ps The building in shot is a part of the Stoke Mandeville Hospital complex which is just up the road from where we live.

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