A good heart these days is hard to find ....MM201

The theme of  Marlieske's Mono Monday this week is Romance which makes you think of hearts .... doesn't it ? Well here are several.. 

I took this using a ice mold which I partially filled with milk then i converted it to B/W then lots of messing about before I came up with this...its slightly mental but then so is love & romance.

I have done loads of indoor tidying jobs today only because I probably overdid it slightly yesterday. I woke up stiff as a board and it took me a long time to get going ...still got pain in my hip & knee but no-where as bad as it was.

Heavy rain overnight followed by a damp cool day .

PS it reminds me of this little rhyme, (forgive me if I have got it wrong) :

My heart is like a cabbage 
That grows the whole year through
The leaves I give to everyone 
The heart I save for you 


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