Hanging by a Thread

Not me, our weather -- fog is forecast for tonight, with clouds rolling in later this week and a chance of rain on Friday -- so I strolled on the Taylor Dock boardwalk late morning today, enjoying the sunshine, water views, and smiles of others out relishing the day.

I took quite a few photos, but none of them appealed to me as much as two I shot right after breakfast this morning. I chose this one -- the leaves of one of our Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo) shrubs rendered translucent by the rising sun, and the threads anchoring a nearby spider web glowing as well, for today's blip. Here's the prettiest part of that image -- enjoy!

The other, which struck me as depicting "Coming and Going," the transitional nature of this time of year, is quite different in mood -- take a look and see if you agree with my choice for today.

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