Tel's Blips

By TerryS365


A long day today. Up early for the dawn at Loghrigg Tarn, some nice pics of mist arising but no sunrise colours. Spent the day walking around Loghrigg and Elter Water and couldn't believe how warm and sunny it was with the still clear waters of the lakes glistening in the sunshine. Many pics but can only blip one.

The evening became crisp and clear with millions of stars visible so again walked up to Neaum Crag in pitch darkness where with the absence of the artificial light the heavens were a stunning sight. After gazing at the magical vista for about half an hour and seeing several shooting stars I set the camera to 2500 ISO and although could not see a thing through the viewfinder by guesswork set up and managed to get several varied shots during the course of which a lens fell out of my spectacles. Fortunately I managed to find it again in the torch beam. Sods Law at work. Made getting back to the apartment with one good eye interesting.


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