
What a day!

It started at 3.30am when I woke up and had a billion things running through my head and couldn't get back to sleep again. Last minute packing and then onto our last school assembly of the week. I hope I never take it for granted having two amazing Ellies on my team.

Back to the house to welcome the removal guys and start the loading. Ellie H stalked the whole process from the window of the office which was amusing but she'd have been far more use with several boxes in her hands. The removal guys were amazing and we were out of there in 45 minutes. Not even enough time to get emotional about leaving!

They then had to sit and wait in the van for an hour while we waited for the solicitors (story of my flipping life right now). And then we were in! Cue a manic daze of unpacking and welcoming mum and Dunelm shopping and welcoming dad and fish and chips and bubbly and lovely happy times! I've been getting myself a bit worked up about this move, for no real reason but for a million different reasons. But now it's here and I couldn't be happier.

Two first night observations: the quiet. I cannot hear a thing! No traffic, no neighbour arguing with his girlfriend, no drunken idiots being kicked out of the Nags Head. It's bliss. Also, the warmth. I guess I didn't really consider that the flat was sometimes a bit chilly until I got here. I might die of heat!

Thank for all your well wishes, lovely people.

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