Great Granny's Hoose

It warmed up today, a milder day for the time of year, and most of the snow has gone.  There's been some showers throughout the day, and fairly calm. 

It's been my day off work.  A Lazy morning around the house, mixed with the odd chore and walk.  I headed down the road to drop some bags for dad, and also pickup a trailer of peats, and horse dung for the compost.  I had a cuppa with dad too.  A quiet evening at home, but I did pop along Big Brian and Madeline for a cuppa.  Feet up with the telly. 

We were picking up the load of peats from Tow Farm, where my granny Lorna grew up, with two sisters.  This is the big farm house, and where we used to visit aunt Maggie and uncle John.  My great granny Laura, she lived in the far end of the house, and we often popped by.  She was my only great grand parent I knew, and still remember her well.  The Tow Farm House, Cunningsburgh.

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