Home again
Spent a day and a night in Hospital, new hip is in. During the night I saw the most wonderful skyline with many lights and a big full moon in the dark sky. Unfortunately I had no phone or camera and was unable to get up anyway.
So now you get the morning sky just to let you know that I am doing well.
The strange light at the bottom is the light in the entrance hall of the neighbors across the street.
Cannot express enough how dismayed I feel with what senators have done last night. They bought the voices necessary to pass the tax reform. Overall the Republican senators in cooperation with The Whitehouse have been signing so many laws to the detriment of the country and the living conditions of the people behind the smoke screen created by the clown at the top, that I am deeply depressed for our country and see little hope for the people for the next 10 to 20 years. By then I will not be alive anymore and couldn't care less.
I turned on the comments for a bit, as I presume being home for recovery I will have enough time to comment on your journals too.
Thanks for visiting and leaving so many stars during the last weeks.
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