Brighton Pavillion

Yesterday there were problems on the line from Manchester to Euston and our train was cancelled. However the one we were in became the next train, but others had booked our seats so we had to give them up!! I ended up sitting by a charming Iranian gentleman and Ro went off to sit in another carriage! The journey was only 3/4 hour longer I think but it seemed forever! We met lots of really nice people!

Today Ro and I were in Brighton. We saw the coast and explored the Lanes and found Choccywoccydodah! I love watching their programs on tv! Ro took me in for a hot chocolate and a piece of cake! A very happy atmosphere with the staff dancing to the music as they served you! The food looked splendid, but was very sweet!!

After that we parted he to his match and I visited the Royal Pavillion. It is a fabulous place! I used the audio guide which was very interesting.

Then tired out it was a tea in the restaurant by the ice rink bit behind the Pavillion. Then I wandered round Brighton, popped into a few shops and exhausted went into the library. Great place! I found a book on colour in photography and sat reading and taking notes till it closed! Ro was on the way back. I explored a few more streets and ended up at the station. There are lots of great areas of narrow, sometimes extremely narrow streets with very interesting shops of all sorts. A very busy place : humming!

We returned to Croydon and finished the day in Wagamama!

Still haven’t decided what to do tomorrow!

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