
from the flank of Helm Crag
(couldn't decide on colour or mono so colour is in extras)

I tret m'sel to new boots, sick of getting wet feet every time I went out (note to self - don't get old boots re-soled however comfy they are; when they're done, they're done). I held out as long as I could stand it but was in danger of getting trench foot.
Grasmere called and I headed up onto Helm Crag and looked up bonny Yasd'le (extra) which was more soggy than bonny today.

"Oh could I raise the darken'd veil" - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Oh could I raise the darken’d veil,
Which hides my future life from me,
Could unborn ages slowly sail,
Before my view—and could I see
My every action painted there,
To cast one look I would not dare.
There poverty and grief might stand,
And dark Despair’s corroding hand,
Would make me seek the lonely tomb
To slumber in its endless gloom.
Then let me never cast a look,
Within Fate’s fix’d mysterious book.

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