Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

New roof rack

Princess Nanouk, the white cat, chooses to live in the elderly white Fiat Panda because our house is inhabited by riff-raff (Me, other cats etc.) If only she and Spousie could live there together with nobody else . . .

Blippo, the pink plastic hippo bath-toy, lives in the newer blue Fiat Panda because that is where we put him.

In July we asked the Fiat Motor Company to supply a roof-rack to fit the blue Fiat Panda. It is now December and there is still no sign of progress. Blippo has been getting very frustrated indeed by the whole experience and so Spousie has created a tailor-made roof-rack for the blue Fiat Panda in the style of a Morris Traveller, but blue, and not yet mossy nor lichen-clad.

I should point out that this is not purely for the benefit of a pink plastic bath-toy; the elderly white Fiat Panda has been our beast of burden for almost thirteen years and it has brought any amount of building materials here. The blue car has recently passed its roadworthiness test, something the white car will never manage without stupendous investment which sadly, we cannot justify. So now it is time to pension the white car off, before the end of the year, otherwise a fine will be due. And therefore the blue car will necessarily become our beast of burden because we still haven't finished building the flipping house. 

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