Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli



Camera; not at all, not once.

It was Damon's 43rd birthday today, the 6th he's missed. So I was up at 6 and on a train by 7:15 to meet Damon's mum in a quiet little garden where a small tree has been planted to celebrate Damon's short life. We go twice a year, on the day he was born and the day that he died. The dates are almost exactly six months apart. On the anniversary of his death the weather is nice and sunny and we wear pretty little frocks but it's still a sad occasion. On the anniversary of his birth the weather is normally chilly and dismal, but it's a precious moment for V to remember her boy and I tend to be quiet and let them get on with it, but I won't let her do it all by herself, not now that I can be here to hold her hand.

After that it was off to a market in Leadenhall, though not Leadenhall Market. This market is held inside a former bank and I would have dearly loved to have been able to photograph some of the interiors. There are seriously impressive Chubb vaults which are cold, cold, cold to walk through to find a bar with a glorious chandelier. All sorts of delights, but until such time as I can resolve my camera issues, I must apologise for my simple sketch of London's easiest building to draw.

I began this journal without the benefit of a camera, but I did at least have a scanner back then. Currently I don't have a camera that works, I don't have a scanner and I find that I can't even take a screen-grab, so this journal may have to take a short break.

. . . . .to be continued . . . .

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