Bubbles the Reindeer

We've had a busy but nice day today, and were up and out early as we wanted to go to the French market in Seaford, but Alan saw that the swing bridge in Newhaven would be open at 9.30am.  It causes major delays when it's open, so we wanted to cross it and get to the other side.

Our first port of call was the sailing club in Seaford for breakfast which was lovely.  I've been for lunch quite a few times with Kate and have always said that I'd take Alan, and he liked it.  We then drove to the other end of the seafront, parked up and walked into town.  The French market was only small, but it was nice and there was a Christmas market and entertainment on in the other streets.  We've never actually been into the town before, only driven through it or gone to the beach and we were nicely surprised, there were lots of nice little shops and cafes.

Alan spotted the reindeer so we went to see them and the lady was telling me that she looks after them for Santa and has a breeding farm on the border of Essex and Suffolk.  The two that she'd brought with her were Bubbles and Pixie, Bubbles had been bred in the UK, but Pixie had been brought over from Sweden and she explained that Pixie's ears had been clipped by the Sami's as they do this so they can identify them.  

We then drove to Alfriston as I wanted to visit the Clergy House which is a National Trust property and I'd read that it was decorated for Christmas.   Alan doesn't have a membership, but luckily for him, there was free entry today.  

There were some ladies from a lace making group in the house doing a demonstration and they asked if I'd like to have a try - It was really interesting and there were so many bobbins, it was quite confusing which bobbin crosses over which, but I eventually go the hang of it, and I can imagine it's very therapeutic and something I could see myself enjoying.  They said that they meet once a month at the Meridian Centre in Peacehaven, which is the next town to us and they've invited me along to go and see what they do, and if I like it I can join.  The only problem is that it's on a Saturday afternoon, if it was during the week on one of my days off I would probably go, but we're usually busy at the weekends.  I'll see anyway.

The rest of the day has been spent putting the Christmas Tree and decorations up in the house and the Palace.  We had a spare set of lights, so Alan's put them up around the window of the Palace and it looks the Santa's grotto - Scarlett and Violet would love it!

Oh and I saw my second robin today, I wonder if I'll see one daily until Christmas?  Probably not, although we've bought a new bird table for the garden, so you never know!

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