The Christmas Robin

I met Kate this morning at the garden centre near Lewes, so I could return the wheelchair.  It was a good excuse for a hot chocolate and a chat before having a wander round the garden centre.  While we were talking, I spotted this lovely, fat robin outside - I got my camera out of my bag whilst saying he'd probably be gone by the time I got it, but he was still there so I took a quick shot through the glass.  He then flew onto an outside table, so I went outside, but a woman with a dog walked past and some of the staff pushed a trolley full of Christmas trees past the table, so I was sure he'd have flown off, but he was still there!  I came closer and closer, so I was able to get a few shots - the perfect Blip for 1st December :-)

I propped the door open so I could get back in, as it was a fire exit, but two old, and rather grumpy ladies who were sat in their coats shouted at me to close the door - I wouldn't mind if I'd left it wide open!

Once we went our separate ways, I went to do a food shop and also popped to Matalan to have a look round, and then came back home to have lunch with Alan as it's his usual working from home day.

One of my colleagues at work Elli, who's the daughter of my bosses, Steve & Shaughan has just bought her first house with her boyfriend and they completed and are moving today.  I sent her a text to wish them 'Happy New House' and she replied to say it's been a bit of a disaster as the van they'd hired had been stolen in the night with their belongings!  The hire company tracked the van so they went to where it was but only found the smashed padlock, so I guess the thieves have removed the tracking device before driving off.  I feel so sorry for them - she said that most of their clothes, shoes, bags and smaller possessions have gone.  What an awful thing to happen on what should be a very happy day, I just hope the van turns up and they get their belongings back.

Tonight I'm out with Alison, Chrissy and Barbs, for our BB's Christmas night out, and I'm just about to wrap my gifts and write their cards,  so I'd better get on, hope you have a good weekend!

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