
By AlrightFlower

I said, do you speak-a my language?

I love the Italian language - the way it flows like a swift river over, under and around, sinuously twirling into mellifluous tones and intonations that roll sensuously around the tongue like fine chocolate.

But, after a summer away from those delicious syllables, it's more like value choccy that's past its sell by date.

Last week's class made me so miserable, tonight was make or break, take it or leave it, do or die. My love of the language, and for the friends I've made, vs my cluttered mind and the strain of a new job.

Had I found this week as difficult as last, it would've been my last class. I like to think I'm a perseverer, but life is really too short to choose to continue with something you don't enjoy. As it was, I enjoyed myself quite considerably! So, onwards and upwards, una settimana alla volta.


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