Guesses Anyone?

I took a cup of tea in bed to SWMBO as she had stated she wanted to go out this morning.
She rolled over and went back to sleep!
So it was mid late morning when we set off.
We made a slight detour and had the two free hot drinks I was entitled to at the land of flowers.

It was then off to Granton - where, for the first time I took a picture of Mr Gormley's 'self portrait' ....... and of course the exiled community was also looked at from afar.

The Britannia was quite busy - a bit out of proportion to Ocean Terminal really.

The outcome of our visit was a new coat for me and some cosmetics for SWMBO and some very helpful advice from a member of staff in a phone shop (don't pay for any 'bolt-ons' and travel extras ..... buy a cheap SIM at your destination).
Well, that is our trip to the US of A next week sorted!

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