An Early Christmas Present
Dear Givers of Treats,
Today I must have been really good boy because the piano tuning lady came to visit me. She LOVES me and always brings me treats. I had lots of gravy bones. Yum yum. I am not allowed in the room when she is in there, but she must have felt bad because she left the door open when she left so I could find my present - a whole box of treats. The Princess was busy. I didn’t want to bother her so I decided to try a few.
They were deeeelicious. I couldn’t help myself. I finished THE WHOLE box. The Princess came flying in. She was SO RUDE. She grabbed the box away from me. She needs to learn some self control. It was MY present. I was trying to lick the wrapper so she wouldn’t have to clean it because I am such a good boy.
She phoned my vet friends and asked if I should go to see them because ‘apparently’ the treats weren’t for me and I am not allowed M&S extra chocolatey biscuits. The vet said it was ok. See, the vet loves me. She knows that M&S stands for Murphylovestreats & Snacks.
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