Sieze the day

By Mario

Pretty in Pink

Last night I never clicked that it's is a Pink month with Breast cancer Awareness, So tonight I have made another Pink image to promote Awareness about Breast Cancer. Maries Mum died from Lung Cancer and her Dad when he died had early stages of Cancer as well. This pink flower grows tall on a long green stem and then has pink buds growing down from the top, some of you wonderful green thumbs may recognise it as I have no clue about flowers. I know they look pretty and smell nice and most you can't eat. I do like Roses my favourite being Loving Memory. Recently I had a journal entry about the Lovelock Memorial Fun Run and Walk we also had the Undie5hundie promoting Blue September Prostate Cancer Awareness now Blue and Pink fall in line please feel free to have a loo at my link.Blue September We also had our own Super Hero there The Blue Streak

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