
Charley is starting to take the odd "step" every now and then... Mainly if something is not quite far enough away to justify going down on hands and feet, but not quite close enough to lunge. I've not figured out this optimum distance but it makes me grin when he does it!

Craft stall went as well as could be expected really, given I only had half my stock (the rest arrived in the post at the end of the toddler group!) but there were lots of ooohs and aaahs and lots of positive feedback. And I'm going back next week too which is very kind of them!

Took the boys out to the park in the rain in the afternoon. It was fun, if cold, watching Ben get soaked clambering around all the climbing frames, seeing which puddles were ok to cross with wellies and which ones were too deep. I told him I was freezing to which he replied "you've got to stay freezing mum. I've got to stay at the park!"

Steve cooked ham, egg and chips for dinner. Took two and a half hours start to finish (he lost track of time once the ham went in the oven) but it was yummy. Very! And then despite being knackered the boys were not sleepy so they played with Steve once they were ready for bed, but just as I put gloves on to do the washing up Charley proved he's not yet got going downstairs licked by trying to sit down on thin air and fell backwards. Good job there are only two steps just there. So bedtime finally happened and I lost the battle with trying to stay awake...

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