jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Knock 'em down

So unbelievably tired today.

Took two hours to get myself ready to go out this morning. And that was just putting boots on and wrapping Charley up! Charley was asleep before we left the house, slept the whole walk to town and back, woke up when we got home.

Ben went to school, I got some photos taken of the finished mugs and the postcards that have arrived, and then sorted Steve out with businesscards and the like for another afternoon out before going to collect Ben.

I completely failed to get dinner at all today... we kinda snacked on toast, and eventually the clock hands dragged their way round to six thirty and we got ready for bed.

I have been such a rubbish shouty mummy this evening. I need to remember to take a step back when Ben frustrates me and doesn't listen. I need to try and remember to enter into his world, rather than try and drag him out of it to enter my world. Felt so bad that I even blogged about it.

Am so not prepared for tomorrow's stall. I have all the components, just nothing assembled.

Charley joined us on the sofa for a late evening meal which Steve cooked when he got home, and now it's time to go to bed and hope I get up in the morning...

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