Scattered Polaroids

By sp

We got a Christmas tree! After discussions about whether to get a real one (G's choice even though he's sliiiightly allergic) or a fake one but keep it for like 20 years to offset the plastic (my choice) - we found a flyer at the weekend for a local charity selling local trees, with all the money going to help refugees in Northern France. It's also called Refutrees, which is brilliant. 

A lovely man with festive leggings on delivered it this morning, and it looked the perfect size... until I opened it up and it's ridiculously massive. It's only 4 foot tall but eeeeasily wider than that. Took quite a while to work out where it would fit in the flat. 

I also went to the dentist today and had my first ever filling and it was fine and took about 8 minutes start to finish. Bit dribbly on the walk home though.

This is also fiiiinally the last photo on this film so I've backblipped a bit

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