
By LmiriamC

Can you see Rainier?

Fantastic day in the PNW - kind of cold but so clear. I could see Mt. Baker and there's Mt. Rainier in the distance in this photo. I took Salem to Discovery Park and we rambled over hill and dale for about 5 miles. They have a neat lighthouse there where I saw an eagle sitting up on top of a pole - too bad I didn't have a real camera to take a picture of it.

I am enjoying the heck out of the blue skies and sunshine.

The only problem with this park is that it is also host to a sewage treatment plant. And that's a problem because the whole system threw in the towel last year when we had historic rains. It took the city forever to stop the leaking sewage (months). One of those perfect storms but the equipment was not maintained properly either. Argh. There is some odor left over but it's not too bad. Thank goodness.

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