First Taking Hearts, Then a Last Breath Away...

The Little Island sat by itself in the Firth.

It housed a boatkeepers store, and a lighthouse. The boatkeepers store held the replacement bulbs and a generator.

Occasionally a lighthouse man came out and had a look over the lighthouse; for no other reason other than to check things were all okay, but he didn't stay, and didn't take much notice of the rest of the isle.

Seals came ashore and warmed their tums on the beach, and chatted amongst themselves, but never acknowledged the little isle.

Seagirls and Puffins, stopped by, sometimes they nested, but they were always to busy with chat themselves to bother taking any notice of who was providing them with home.

Just as the little isle had lost all hope of ever being noticed, the mother ship decided that it was the Little Isles time to shine.

And when the mother ship decides to act....

Everyone sits up.

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