
Today has been one of those days when nothing has really flowed. I guess that feeling began last night when I posted one shot and then changed it later, albeit the same photograph. Work hasn't flowed at all today and my mountain bike ride back over the moor was rather laboured too. I underestimated both how long it was going to take me and how fast the nights are drawing in. I arrived home in the dark.

The only shots I've taken today are from first thing in the morning, outside the office, with the canal as flat and rippleless as the proverbial mill pond. I've taken a number of shots from here now so played with this a little bit to come up with something a bit different. It's the most fun I've had all day.

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback to the blips of the last few days. Working long days at the office means I haven't got much will to spend time on the computer in the evening. I was hoping to catch up with a few of you tonight but Forrest fancies watching a film so I think I'll go join him, relax a little and hopefully turn off the brain.

PS I managed to catch up with Roam on Skype this evening, who has now left the delights of Rio for an altogether different kind of experience here. It's made me very happy that he's started to properly embrace the art of blipping. I knew he'd be good at it if he applied himself! It's been a great way to keep up with him.

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